Table of Contents

Frequently Used API


Property Description
ActiveEditor Returns the active Eremex cell editor. The property returns null if no editor is currently active, or when a non-Eremex editor is active in the focused cell.
AllowEditing Gets or sets whether cell edit operations are enabled.
AutoGenerateRows Gets or sets whether the empty control automatically generates rows for all public properties available in the bound object(s) when the control is initialized. If the control already contains rows, automatic row generation is disabled. To manually populate the control with rows you can use the PopulateRows method, or add rows to the Rows collection.
CellTemplate Gets or sets the template to render cell editors in all cells. You can use the PropertyGridRow.CellTemplate property to specify the cell editor for specific rows.
FocusedRow Gets or sets the focused row. This property allows you to focus a specific row.
Rows Returns the control's rows displayed at the root level. For category rows (PropertyGridCategoryRow objects) stored in this collection you can use the PropertyGridCategoryRow.Rows property to access their child rows.
RowsDataTemplates Specifies data templates used to render rows from a row source (the RowsSource property).
RowsSource Specifies the data source to generate rows using data templates (RowsDataTemplates).
SelectedObject Gets or sets the object whose properties are displayed in the control.
SelectedObjects Gets or sets the list of objects whose properties are displayed in the control.
UseModernAppearance Gets or sets whether the control is painted using the Modern or Classic style.


Method Description
CloseEditor Hides the active editor and saves changes made.
HideEditor Hides the active editor and discards changes made.
PopulateRows Generates rows for public properties exposed by the bound object(s) (SelectedObject and SelectedObjects properties). Existing rows are cleared before the row generation starts.
PostEditor Saves changes made in a cell to the bound object(s).
ShowEditor Activates the focused row's editor.


Event Description
CellValueChanged Fires when the cell's value is changed.
CustomCellTemplateData Allows you to supply a custom object as a cell template's value. See the following topic for more information: Custom Editors.
ShowingEditor Fires when a cell editor is activated.