Table of Contents

Unbound Mode

The TreeList and TreeView controls support unbound mode, in which you can manually create a node hierarchy.

Do not initialize a control's ItemSource property. Otherwise, the control switches to bound mode, and thus it forbids you to manually add nodes.

Use the TreeListControlBase.Nodes property to add root nodes to the control. For each node, you can use the TreeListNode.Nodes property to add child nodes.

A node in the TreeList and TreeView controls is encapsulated by a TreeListNode object. Its TreeListNode.Content property allows you to specify a node's content. You can set the TreeListNode.Content property to a business object whose public properties provide data for the control's columns. For the TreeView control, you can set the TreeListNode.Content property to a String object.

If you use a TreeList control, ensure that the control's TreeListControl.Columns collection has columns bound to specific field names.

The following XAML code creates a hierarchical node structure in the TreeListControl.Nodes collection. Each node's Content property is initialized with a Person object defined in code-behind.

<mxtl:TreeListControl Grid.Column="3" Width="800" Name="treeListUnbound" 
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colFirstName" FieldName="FirstName" 
         Header="First Name" Width="*"  AllowSorting="False"  />
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colLastName" FieldName="LastName" 
         Header="Last Name" Width="*"/>
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colCity" FieldName="City" 
         Header="City" Width="*" ReadOnly="True" />
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colPhone" FieldName="Phone" 
         Header="Phone" Width="*"/>

                <local:Person FirstName="Roman" LastName="Suponin" 
                 City="Saint Petersburg" Phone="(7)724-347-47"/>
                <mxtl:TreeListNode >
                        <local:Person FirstName="Ivan" LastName="Kovalev" 
                         City="Moscow" Phone="(7)111-90-73"/>
                                <local:Person FirstName="Artin" LastName="Tusk" 
                                 City="Aksaray" Phone="(4)123-14-56"/>
                                <local:Person FirstName="George" LastName="Botkin" 
                                 City="Hua Hin" Phone="(61)457-198-34"/>
                                        <local:Person FirstName="Lee" LastName="Wan" 
                                         City="Shanghai" Phone="(56)335-57-89"/>
public partial class Person : ObservableObject
    public Person() { }
    public Person(string firstName, string lastName, string city, string phone)
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName; = city; = phone;

    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    string city;
    string phone;

The following example creates a node structure in code-behind. It adds a node1 object to the TreeList's root level. Other nodes are added at nested levels.

TreeListNode node1 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Kim", "Magnus", "Doha", "(5)433-07-12") 
TreeListNode node11 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Patricia", "Rooney", "Cairo", "(5)450-39-49") 
TreeListNode node111 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Victor", "Boev", "Sarajevo", "(98)328-23-54") 
TreeListNode node12 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Vincent", "Novak", "Belgrad", "(476)487-598-465") 

TreeView Specifics

You can set the TreeView node's Content property to a business object or simple string.

The following code shows how to populate TreeView nodes with simple strings.

<mxtl:TreeViewControl Grid.Column="5" Width="400" Name="treeViewUnbound2">
        <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Russia">
                <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Tula oblast">
                        <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Tula"/>
                        <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Aleksin">
                                <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Pavlovo"/>
                                <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Kolosovo"/>
                                <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Shutilovo"/>
                        <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Belyov"/>
                        <mxtl:TreeListNode Content="Suvorov"/>

If you assign a business object to the Content property, set the TreeViewControl.DataFieldName member to the name of the business object's property that supplies display values for the control, as demonstrated in the example below.

TreeListNode node1 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Kim", "Magnus", "Doha", "(5)433-07-12") 
TreeListNode node11 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Patricia", "Rooney", "Cairo", "(5)450-39-49") 
TreeListNode node111 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Victor", "Boev", "Sarajevo", "(98)328-23-54") 
TreeListNode node12 = new TreeListNode() 
    Content = new Person("Vincent", "Novak", "Belgrad", "(476)487-598-465") 

treeViewUnbound1.DataFieldName = "LastName";