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Data Sorting

The data sorting feature allows you to sort sibling nodes in the TreeList and TreeView controls in ascending or descending order.

TreeList supports data sorting against one or multiple columns. The control also allows your users to sort data with a mouse click on a column header and by using a column header's context menu.

End User Actions (TreeList)

In the TreeList control, a user can left-click a column header to sort this column. A subsequent click on the same column header reverses the sort direction. To clear sorting, hold down the CTRL key and click the column header.

To sort data by multiple columns, a user needs to hold down the SHIFT key and then click column headers in the required order. The control will sort data against the first clicked column, then against the second column, and so on.

A user can also change a column's sort settings from a column header's context menu. Right-click the column header to invoke this menu.

Use the following properties to prevent a user from sorting data:

  • Set TreeListControl.AllowSorting to false to prevent a user from sorting against any column.
  • Set ColumnBase.AllowSorting to false to prevent a user from sorting against a specific column.

These properties do not prevent you from sorting data in code.

The TreeView control does not have features to sort data from the UI. You can sort data in code in this control.

Sort in Code (TreeList)

You can sort TreeList's data against one or multiple columns. When you sort data by multiple columns, the TreeList control reorders nodes according to values of the first sort column. Then it reorders sorted nodes by the second sort column, while keeping the value order in the first column, and so on.

Use the following properties to sort data by a column:

  • Set the ColumnBase.SortDirection property to Ascending or Descending. This property specifies the sort order of the column's data.

  • Set the ColumnBase.SortIndex property to a non-negative value to sort data against the column in ascending order. The ColumnBase.SortIndex property specifies the column's position among sorted columns.

Do one of the following to clear sorting:

  • Set a column's SortDirection property to null to clear sorting for this column.
  • Call the control's inherited DataControlBase.ClearSorting method to remove sorting applied to all columns.

The following code clears sorting and then sorts data against two columns:

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;

treeListColumn1.SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending;
treeListColumn3.SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Descending;

You can wrap your code with the BeginDataUpdate and EndDataUpdate methods to prevent superfluous updates when changing the control's multiple settings (including sort settings).

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;

treeListColumn1.SortIndex = 0;
treeListColumn3.SortIndex = 1;
treeListColumn2.SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Descending;

Sort in Code (TreeView)

To sort data in the TreeView, use the SortDirection property of your TreeViewControl object. Set this property to Ascending or Descending to sort data in required order.

treeViewControl1.SortDirection = ListSortDirection.Ascending;

Do one of the following to clear sorting:

  • Set the SortDirection property to null.
  • Call the control's inherited DataControlBase.ClearSorting method.

Sortable Columns and Sort Mode (TreeList and TreeView)

The TreeList and TreeView controls can sort columns by edit values, display values, or according to a custom sorting algorithm. Default sort mode is dependent on the column's in-place editor and bound property's data type:

  • Sorting by edit values — All columns, except columns with an embedded ComboBoxEditor.
  • Sorting by display text — Columns with an embedded ComboBoxEditor.
  • No sorting — Columns bound to objects that do not implement the IComparable interface. For instance, image data types do not implement this interface, thus no sorting is available for corresponding columns, by default. See the Custom Sorting section below for information, on how to forcibly sort these columns.

The ColumnBase.SortMode property (in the TreeList) and TreeViewControl.SortMode property (in the TreeView) allows you to change default sort mode. The following options are available:

  • SortMode.Value — Sort by cell edit values.
  • SortMode.DisplayText — Sort by cell display text.
  • SortMode.Custom — Custom sorting. Set the SortMode property to Custom, and then handle the TreeListControl.CustomColumnSort/TreeViewControl.CustomSort event to implement a custom sorting routine. See Custom Sorting.

Custom Sorting

The CustomColumnSort/CustomSort event allows you to implement custom sorting logic. Set the ColumnBase.SortMode property (in the TreeList) and TreeViewControl.SortMode property (in the TreeView) to Custom to enable this event.

If a column's bound data type does not implement the IComparable interface (for instance, an image data type), the TreeList/TreeView control defaults to preventing sorting for this column. You can, however, enable sorting for this column, as follows:

  • TreeList: Set the column's AllowSorting property to true (this property's default value is null).
  • TreeList and TreeView: Set the SortMode property to Custom.
  • TreeList and TreeView: Handle the CustomColumnSort/CustomSort event to implement custom sorting.

When you handle the CustomColumnSort/CustomSort event, you should compare two nodes specified in the event arguments. Assign the result of the comparison to the Result event parameter as follows:

  • Set Result to -1 if the first node should be displayed above the second node when data is sorted in ascending order.

  • Set Result to 1 if the first node should be displayed below the second node when data is sorted in ascending order.

  • Set Result to 0 if the two nodes are equal.

The following example handles the TreeListControl.CustomColumnSort event to sort data in the "FileName" column in a custom manner. The "FileName" column stores file names in the standard "filename.ext" format. The custom sorting routine sorts file names by their extensions.

<mxtl:TreeListControl Name="treeList" CustomColumnSort="TreeList_CustomColumnSort">
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn  Width="*" FieldName="FileName"  SortMode="Custom" />

private void TreeList_CustomColumnSort(object? sender, TreeListCustomColumnSortEventArgs e)
    if (e.Column.FieldName == "FileName")
        string fileName1 = Convert.ToString(e.Value1);
        string fileName2 = Convert.ToString(e.Value2);

        string newfileName1 = extractFileExtension(fileName1) + "." + fileName1;
        string newfileName2 = extractFileExtension(fileName2) + "." + fileName2;
        e.Result = String.Compare(newfileName1, newfileName2);

string extractFileExtension(string fileName)
    string res = "";
    int dotIndex = fileName.LastIndexOf('.');
    if (dotIndex > 0)
        res = fileName.Substring(dotIndex + 1);
    return res;

Respond to Data Sorting

Handle the following events to perform custom actions when data is sorted:

  • DataControlBase.StartSorting — Fires when data is about to be sorted.
  • DataControlBase.EndSorting — Fires when data sorting is complete.

Additional API

  • TreeListControlBase.AutoScrollOnSorting — Specifies whether the control automatically scrolls the view port to make the focused node visible when data is sorted.