Table of Contents


GroupBox is a panel that has a header and a line at the bottom that visually separates the GroupBox from other controls.


GroupBox is a Avalonia.Controls.Primitives.HeaderedContentControl descendant.

Specify a Header

Use the Header property to set the GroupBox's header. The HeaderTemplate property allows you to set the template to render the control's header in a custom manner.

  • ShowHeader — Gets or sets whether the header is visible.
  • HeaderHorizontalAlignment — Specifies the header's horizontal alignment.
  • HeaderVerticalAlignment — Specifies the header's vertical alignment.

Define the Content

You can specify the GroupBox's content in XAML between the start and end <GroupBox> tags. In code, use the inherited Content property for this purpose. You can set the ContentTemplate property to specify the template used to render the control's content.


The following example defines a GroupBox that displays a StackPanel with controls.



<mxe:GroupBox Header="PROPERTIES">
        <mxe:CheckEditor x:Name="IsCollapsedSelector" 
         Content="Is Collapsed" Classes="LayoutItem"/>
        <mxe:CheckEditor x:Name="IsSplitterVisibleSelector" 
         Content="Is Splitter Visible" IsChecked="True" 
            <Label Content="Collapsed panel:" Classes="LayoutItem"/>
            <mxe:ComboBoxEditor EditorValue="{Binding CollapsedPanel, Mode=TwoWay}" 
            ItemsSource="{mxc:EnumItemsSource EnumType=mxe:SplitContainerControlCollapsePanel}"/>