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The TreeList control supports multiple columns of data, while TreeView displays values in a single column.


Column in TreeView Control

You do not need to create a column in the TreeView control. You only need to set the TreeViewControl.DataFieldName property to specify the name of the data source field or public property whose values are displayed by the control.

Create TreeList Columns

TreeList columns are encapsulated by the TreeListColumn class, which is a ColumnBase class descendant. The GridColumn class (a column in the DataGridControl) is also derrived from ColumnBase. Thus, columns in the DataGrid and TreeList controls share many API members.

The control does not automatically create columns once you bind the control to a data source. Three approaches allow you to create columns:

  • Create all TreeList columns manually in the TreeList.Columns collection (in XAML or code-behind). With this approach you have access to the created column objects by name in code.

  • Enable the TreeListControl.AutoGenerateColumns option to automatically generate missing columns once you bind the control to a data source. You can apply specific attributes (from the System.ComponentModel and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespaces) to properties of a business object to manage the automatic generation of columns, and customize settings of auto-generated columns (for instance, the column display name and order).

  • A combination of the two approaches above: create required columns manually in the TreeList.Columns collection, and then enable the TreeListControl.AutoGenerateColumns option to delegate the generation of other columns to the TreeList.

The following sample creates two TreeList columns and customizes the display format of the second column's values:


<mxtl:TreeListControl Name="treeList1" >                
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colName" FieldName="Name" />
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colBirthdate" FieldName="Birthdate" >
                <mxe:TextEditorProperties DisplayFormatString="yyyy-MM-dd"/>

See Column Automatic Generation for information on auto-generated columns.

Bind Columns to Data

The TreeListColumn.FieldName property allows you to bind a column to a field in the underlying data table, or to a public property of a business object. Once the column is bound, it retrieves values from the data source.

TreeList also allows you to create unbound columns, whose values should be supplied manually, via the TreeListControl.CustomUnboundColumnData event. See Unbound Columns for more information.

It is not recommended to bind multiple TreeList columns to the same data field/property.

The following example creates TreeList columns and binds them to data.


<mxtl:TreeListControl Grid.Column="3" Width="200" Name="treeListUnbound" 
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colFirstName" FieldName="FirstName" 
         Header="First Name" Width="*"  AllowSorting="False"  />
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colLastName" FieldName="LastName" 
         Header="Last Name" Width="*"/>
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colCity" FieldName="City" 
         Header="City" Width="*" ReadOnly="True" />
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colPhone" FieldName="Phone" 
         Header="Phone" Width="*"/>
using Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.TreeList;

TreeListColumn colFirstName = new TreeListColumn() 
    FieldName = "FirstName", Header = "First Name", AllowSorting = false, 
    Width= new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) 

Column Automatic Generation

Set the AutoGenerateColumns property to true (the default value is false) to enable automatic column generation for properties in the data source. When AutoGenerateColumns is set to true, the TreeList control fetches public properties from the data source, generates columns and binds them to the properties. If the control's Columns collection already contains a column bound to a specific property/field, no extra column bound to the same property/field is auto-generated.

The AutoGeneratingColumn and AutoGeneratedColumns events allow you to customize auto-generated columns. The AutoGeneratingColumn event fires when an auto-generated column is about to be added to the Columns collection. The event allows you to prevent a column from being added to the collection.

The AutoGeneratedColumns event fires after all columns have been auto-generated.

When you assign another data source to the control, the TreeList first deletes columns that were previously auto-generated, and then auto-generates columns for the new data source.

Use Attributes to Customize Settings of Auto-Generated Columns

You can apply specific attributes (from the System.ComponentModel and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespaces) to properties of a business object (data source record) to customize the visibility status, view and behavior settings for corresponding auto-generated TreeList columns. The following attributes are supported:

Browsable Attribute

The System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute attribute controls column auto-generation. Apply the Browsable(false) attribute to specific properties to prevent corresponding columns from being auto-generated.

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;

public partial class MyBusinessObject : ObservableObject
    [property: Browsable(false)]
    public int serviceId = "";

The System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute attribute is equivalent to using the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute attribute with the AutoGenerateField parameter.

Display Attribute

The System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute is a general-purpose attribute that controls column auto-generation and display settings of auto-generated columns. The attribute has the following parameters supported by the TreeList control:

  • AutoGenerateField — Specifies whether to auto-generate a corresponding column.

  • Order — Specifies the auto-generated column's visible position (ColumnBase.VisibleIndex).

  • Name — Specifies the auto-generated column's caption (ColumnBase.Header).

  • ShortName — Equivalent to the Name parameter.

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

public partial class MyBusinessObject : ObservableObject
    [Display(Name = "Birth date", Order=2)]
    public DateTime? birthdate = null;

DisplayName Attribute

The System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute attribute allows you to initialize an auto-generated column's caption (ColumnBase.Header).

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;

public partial class MyBusinessObject : ObservableObject
    [property: DisplayName("Birth date")]
    public DateTime? birthdate = null;

The System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute attribute is equivalent to using the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DisplayAttribute attribute with the Name or ShortName parameter.

Editable Attribute

The System.ComponentModel.EditableAttribute attribute applied to a property creates a non-editable column. Users cannot open in-place editors, and thus select and copy text.

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;

public partial class MyBusinessObject : ObservableObject
    [property: Editable(false)]
    public int parentId = -1;

Readonly Attribute

The System.ComponentModel.ReadonlyAttribute attribute applied to a property creates a read-only column. Users can select and copy text in read-only columns, but not edit values.

using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel;

public partial class MyBusinessObject : ObservableObject
    [property: ReadOnly(true)]
    public int id = -1;

Move Columns

Use the TreeListColumn.VisibleIndex property to specify the column's visual position. To hide the column, set its TreeListColumn.VisibleIndex property to -1, or set the IsVisible property to false.

The control's default behavior allows a user to rearrange columns. Use the following properties to forbid column movement:

  • TreeListControl.AllowColumnMoving — Specifies whether a user can move any column.
  • TreeListColumn.AllowMoving — Specifies whether a user can move a specific column.

Resize Columns

You can use the following properties to control column width in TreeList:

  • TreeListColumn.Width — The column width specified as a GridLength value.
  • TreeListColumn.MinWidth — The column's minimum width.
  • TreeListColumn.MaxWidth — The column's maximum width.

The Width property is of the GridLength type. It allows you to set the column width to:

  • A fixed width (a number of pixels).
  • A weighted proportion of available space (the star notation).
  • The 'Auto' value — Activates automatic column width calculation to fit the column's header and visible values. When a user scrolls the control vertically, the control can enlarge the column width to fit new cell values appeared during the scroll operation.

<mxtl:TreeListControl Name="treeList1">
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colFirstName" 
         FieldName="FirstName" Header="First Name" Width="*"/>
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colLastName" 
         FieldName="LastName" Header="Last Name" Width="2*"/>
        <mxtl:TreeListColumn Name="colPhone" 
         FieldName="Phone" Header="Phone" Width="*"/>

The following properties control column resize operations performed by users.

  • TreeListControl.AllowColumnResizing — Specifies whether a user can resize any column.
  • TreeListColumn.AllowResizing — Specifies whether a user can resize a specific column.

Column Headers

TreeList column headers are displayed in the header panel. You can hide this panel with the TreeListControl.ShowColumnHeaders property.

The panel's height is automatically adjusted to fit contents of column headers. Use the HeaderPanelMinHeight property to limit the panel's minimum height.

A column header initially displays a caption (text label), which is a text representation of the ColumnBase.Header property. If the ColumnBase.Header property is not set, the column caption is generated from the column's field name (ColumnBase.FieldName).

Use the ColumnBase.HeaderContentTemplate property to specify a template used to render the column header. The template allows you to display images and custom controls, and to render text in a custom manner.

The following code displays an image before the column's caption. The <TextBlock Text="{Binding}"> expression displays the contents of the column's Header property:


<mxtl:TreeListControl Name="treeList" HeaderPanelMinHeight="50">
    <mxtl:TreeListColumn FieldName="Number" Header="Position" 
                <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                    <Image Source="/info24x24.png" Width="24" 
                     Height="24" Margin="0,0,5,0"/>
                    <TextBlock Text="{Binding}" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

Use the ColumnBase.HeaderHorizontalContentAlignment and ColumnBase.HeaderVerticalContentAlignment properties to align a column header's content horizontally and vertically.

Column Sorting

A user can click a column header or use a column header's context menu to sort the TreeList against the column. See Data Sorting for more information.

Column Values

To learn how to retrieve cell values for specific nodes, see Nodes.

See Also