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Custom Editors in TreeList and TreeView Cells

TreeList and TreeView controls use in-place Eremex editors by default. See Data Editing for information on how to assign and access default in-place editors.

This topic shows how to assign custom editors to the controls. The following two approaches are available:

Assign a Custom Editor to a TreeList Column and TreeView Directly

You can assign an in-place editor to a TreeList column or TreeView by creating a DataTemplate. Use the TreeListColumn.CellTemplate and TreeViewControl.CellTemplate properties for this purpose, as follows.

  • Create a DataTemplate object with an editor defined inside the template.
  • Assign the DataTemplate to the CellTemplate property.
  • Bind the editor to a column value explicitly, when required.

The following example shows XAML code that sets a TreeList column's CellTemplate property to a TextBox object:


<mxtl:TreeListColumn Header="Phone" FieldName="Phone">
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Value}"/>

Implicit Data Binding for Eremex Editors

If you use an Eremex editor inside a DataTemplate, you may omit explicit data binding to a column value for the editor. Ensure that the Eremex editor has the x:Name property set to "PART_Editor". In this case, the TreeList/TreeView control automatically binds the editor's EditorValue property to the column's cell value. Additionally, the control starts maintaining the in-place editor's appearance settings (the borders' visibility and foreground colors in the active and inactive states).

<mxtl:TreeListColumn Header="Phone" FieldName="Phone">
            <mxe:ButtonEditor x:Name="PART_Editor">
                    <mxe:ButtonSettings Content="..."/>

Explicit Data Binding

Explicit data binding is required in the following cases:

  • You use an editor that is not an Eremex editor.


    Eremex editors are controls derived from the Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.Editors.BaseEditor class.

  • You need to specify a custom value converter in the data binding expression.

<DataTemplate DataType="pepa:Color">
    <mxe:PopupColorEditor x:Name="PART_Editor" 
     EditorValue="{Binding Path=Value, 

Dynamically Assign Editors Based on a TreeList Column Data Type

The TreeList control allows you to assign in-place editors wrapped within DataTemplates to column cells based on the data type of the column's bound field. Use the TreeListControl.CellTemplate property for this purpose.

Example - How to associate an editor with a single data type

The following example associates a TextEditor that paints values in green with columns bound to Integer fields:


    <DataTemplate DataType="sys:Int32">
        <mxe:TextEditor x:Name="PART_Editor1" EditorValue="{Binding Value}" Foreground="Green"/>

Example - How to associate editors with multiple data types

Assume that you have a list of DataTemplate objects associated with different data types, and want to create column in-place editors based on this list.

Do the following to accomplish this task:

  • Create a custom class (CellTemplateLocator) in code-behind that returns a DataTemplate for a specific data type, and creates a control associated with this data type.
using Avalonia.Collections;
using Avalonia.Controls.Templates;

namespace AvaloniaApplication1.Views;

public class CellTemplateLocator : AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>, IDataTemplate
    public Control Build(object? param)
        var cellData = param as Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.DataControl.Visuals.CellData;
        if (cellData == null) return null;
        return this.First(x => x.Match(cellData.Value)).Build(cellData.Value);

    public bool Match(object? data)
        var cellData = data as Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.DataControl.Visuals.CellData;
        if (cellData == null) return false;
        return this.Any(x => x.Match(cellData.Value));
  • Initialize the TreeListControl.CellTemplate property with a CellTemplateLocator object.
  • Populate the CellTemplateLocator object with DataTemplate objects associated with your data types.

The following example defines two DataTemplate objects with editors associated with the String and Integer data types, respectively.


        <DataTemplate DataType="sys:String">
            <mxe:TextEditor x:Name="PART_Editor" EditorValue="{Binding Value}" Foreground="Red"/>
        <DataTemplate DataType="sys:Int32">
            <mxe:TextEditor x:Name="PART_Editor1" EditorValue="{Binding Value}" Foreground="Green"/>