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Custom Editors

DataGrid's default behavior is to use Eremex editors to edit cell values. See Data Editing for information on how to assign and access default in-place editors.

This topic shows how to assign custom editors to columns in DataGrid. The following two approaches are available:

Assign a Custom Editor to a Grid Column Directly

You can specify an in-place editor for a grid column by assigning a DataTemplate to the GridColumn.CellTemplate property.

  • Create a DataTemplate object with an editor defined inside the template.
  • Assign the DataTemplate to the CellTemplate property.
  • Bind the editor to a column value explicitly, when required.

The following example shows XAML code that sets a grid column's CellTemplate property to a TextBox object:


<mxdg:GridColumn Header="Phone" FieldName="Phone">
            <TextBox Text="{Binding Value}"/>

Implicit Data Binding for Eremex Editors

If you use an Eremex editor inside a DataTemplate, you may omit explicit data binding to a column value for the editor.

Set the x:Name property to "PART_Editor" for the Eremex editor defined in a template. This ensures automatic binding of the editor's value (BaseEditor.EditorValue) to the column's field. Additionally, the editor's appearance settings (border visibility and foreground colors in the active and inactive states) will be managed by the DataGrid control.

<mxdg:GridColumn Header="Phone" FieldName="Phone">
            <mxe:ButtonEditor x:Name="PART_Editor">
                    <mxe:ButtonSettings Content="..."/>

Explicit Data Binding for Inplace Editors

Explicit data binding for inplace editors is required in the following cases:

  • You use an editor that is not an Eremex editor.


    Eremex editors are controls derived from the Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.Editors.BaseEditor class.

  • You need to specify a custom value converter in the data binding expression.

<DataTemplate DataType="pepa:Color">
    <mxe:PopupColorEditor x:Name="PART_Editor" EditorValue="{Binding Path=Value, 

Dynamically Assign Editors Based on a Grid Column Data Type

You can assign in-place editors to columns based on the data type of the column's bound field, as follows:

  • Define an editor within a DataTemplate.
  • Set the DataTemplate.DataType property to the target data type.
  • Assign the created template to the DataGridControl.CellTemplate property.

Example - How to associate an in-place editor with a column's data type

The following example associates a TextEditor that paints values in green with columns bound to Integer fields:


    <DataTemplate DataType="sys:Int32">
        <mxe:TextEditor x:Name="PART_Editor1" EditorValue="{Binding Value}" Foreground="Green"/>

Example - How to associate editors with multiple data types

Assume that you have a list of DataTemplate objects associated with different data types, and want to create column in-place editors based on this list.

Do the following to accomplish this task:

  • Create a custom class (CellTemplateLocator) in code-behind that returns a DataTemplate for a specific data type, and creates a control associated with this data type.
using Avalonia.Collections;
using Avalonia.Controls.Templates;

namespace AvaloniaApplication1.Views;

public class CellTemplateLocator : AvaloniaList<IDataTemplate>, IDataTemplate
    public Control Build(object? param)
        var cellData = param as Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.DataControl.Visuals.CellData;
        if (cellData == null) return null;
        return this.First(x => x.Match(cellData.Value)).Build(cellData.Value);

    public bool Match(object? data)
        var cellData = data as Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Controls.DataControl.Visuals.CellData;
        if (cellData == null) return false;
        return this.Any(x => x.Match(cellData.Value));
  • Initialize the DataGridControl.CellTemplate property with a CellTemplateLocator object.
  • Populate the CellTemplateLocator object with DataTemplate objects associated with your data types.

The following example defines two DataTemplate objects with editors associated with the String and Integer data types, respectively.


        <DataTemplate DataType="sys:String">
            <mxe:TextEditor x:Name="PART_Editor" EditorValue="{Binding Value}" Foreground="Red"/>
        <DataTemplate DataType="sys:Int32">
            <mxe:TextEditor x:Name="PART_Editor1" EditorValue="{Binding Value}" Foreground="Green"/>