Cartesian Chart
The CartesianChart
control allows you to create diagrams using the Cartesian coordinate system.
The control's main features include:
- An unlimited number of data series
- Supported diagram types (views): Line, Scatter Line, Point (with SVG marker support), Area, Step Line, Step Area, Range Area, Bar, Range Bar.
- Multiple axes support
- Multiple axis types: Numeric, Date-Time, Time Span, Qualitative, and Logarithmic
- Scrolling and zooming all axes at the same time
- Scrolling and zooming individual axes
- High-performance when displaying large data
- Real-time data visualization
- Strips and constant lines
- Using the MVVM design pattern to provide data and customize chart options
- Displaying rapidly changing real-time data. Use a special data adapter to implement a moving viewport
Get Started
Chart Control's Elements
The main elements of the chart control are series and axes.
Series — Provides data and specifies how to visualize this data. You can plot as many series as you need within the same chart control. See Series for more information.
Axes — A typical cartesian chart displays two axes: the X-axis and Y-axis. You can also add additional axes to the chart when it plots two or more series. Each series can be associated with its own axes. See Axes.
A series provides data to plot by the chart control, and specifies the series view (visual presentation of this data).
The CartesianSeries
class encapsulates a series for the CartesianChart
control. To add series to the chart, use the CartesianChart.Series
collection. You can also populate the chart with series using the MVVM design pattern. Use the CartesianChart.SeriesSource
and CartesianChart.SeriesTemplate
properties for this purpose. See the following link for more information: Get Started with Charts - MVVM Pattern.
The following code defines one series in the CartesianChart.Series
<mxc:CartesianSeries DataAdapter="{Binding Series.DataAdapter}">
<mxc:CartesianLineSeriesView Color="{Binding Series.Color}" Thickness="2" />
<!-- ... -->
Series Data
You can supply data for a chart control's series using Data Adapters.
<mxc:CartesianSeries DataAdapter="{Binding Series.DataAdapter}">
<!-- ... -->
A Data Adapter is an object that implements the ISeriesDataAdapter
interface. Typically you do not need to implement this interface manually. Eremex Charts ship with multiple Data Adapters for various data types (numeric, date-time, and qualitative). Choose a Data Adapter based on your requirements.
Below you'll find Data Adapters grouped by the type of the X values:
Numeric X Values:
- SortedNumericDataAdapter
- FormulaDataAdapter
- ScatterDataAdapter
- NumericRangeDataAdapter
Date and Time X Values:
- SortedDateTimeDataAdapter
- DateTimeRangeDataAdapter
- SortedTimeSpanDataAdapter
- TimeSpanRangeDataAdapter
- CandlestickDataAdapter (for the Candlestick Series View)
- SummaryCandlestickDataAdapter (for the Candlestick Series View)
Qualitative X Values:
- QualitativeDataAdapter
- QualitativeRangeDataAdapter
Series Views
supports multiple series views (diagram types):
Line Series View (CartesianLineSeriesView object)Points connected with lines. ![]() |
Scatter Line Series View (CartesianScatterLineSeriesView object)Connects points in the order in which they appear in the data series. ![]() |
Point Series View (CartesianPointSeriesView object)Plots individual points. ![]() |
Area Series View (CartesianAreaSeriesView object)Connects points with lines and paints filled areas. ![]() |
Step Line Series View (CartesianStepLineSeriesView object)Connects points with horizontal and vertical line segments. ![]() |
Step Area Series View (CartesianStepAreaSeriesView object)Connects points with horizontal and vertical line segments, and paints filled areas. ![]() |
Range Area Series View (CartesianRangeAreaSeriesView object)Fills the area between the two Y-values of a data series. ![]() |
Bar Series View (CartesianSideBySideBarSeriesView object)Visualizes data as a set of rectangular bars. ![]() |
Range Bar Series View (CartesianSideBySideRangeBarSeriesView object)Draws rectangular bars between the two Y-values of a data series. ![]() |
Candlestick Series View ( CartesianCandlestickSeriesView object)A financial chart that describes price movements of an asset. For each data point, the chart displays a set of four values, the Open, Close, High and Low prices. Learn more ![]() |
To specify a view for series, define a corresponding ...SeriesView object as the content of the CartesianSeries
object. In code behind, use the CartesianSeries.View
property to specify a series view.
The following sample assigns the 'Line Series View' to a series.
<mxc:CartesianSeries DataAdapter="{Binding Series.DataAdapter}">
<mxc:CartesianLineSeriesView Color="{Binding Series.Color}" Thickness="2" />
The CartesianChart
control automatically creates cartesian axes (the X-axis and Y-axis) if you do not define them manually. If you need to customize axes in XAML, define AxisX
and/or AxisY
objects in the CartesianChart.AxesX
collections, and then modify settings of these axes.
<!-- ... -->
<mxc:AxisX ShowTitle="False">
<mxc:AxisY Title="t(°C)" TitlePosition="WithLabels">
<mxc:AxisYRange AlwaysShowZeroLevel="False" />
Axis Value Range
Place AxisXRange
objects as the content of the AxisX
objects to specify range settings of the axes. The AxisXRange
objects allow you to customize the minimum and maximum range values, visibility of the zero level, etc.
<mxc:AxisY Title="Amplitude (dB SPL)">
<mxc:AxisYRange AlwaysShowZeroLevel="False" />
Axis Scale
An axis scale defines the type of scale units and various axis display options. The image below demonstrates a few scale types:
To specify the scale settings for axes, use the AxisX.ScaleOptions
and AxisY.ScaleOptions
Customize Scale Settings for an X Axis
Use the AxisX.ScaleOptions
property to change the scale settings for an X axis.
This property is of the base ScaleOptions
To modify the scale settings, set the AxisX.ScaleOptions
property to one of the following objects based on the type of the X values of the series:
— Numeric data scale. Use this scale type if the X values provided by the series are numeric values.<mxc:AxisX Title="Frequency"> <mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> <mxc:NumericScaleOptions LogarithmicBase="{Binding AxisX.LogarithmicBase}" LabelFormatter="{Binding FrequencyFormatter}" /> </mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> </mxc:AxisX>
— DateTime data scale. Use this scale type if the X values provided by the series areDateTime
values. TheDateTimeScaleOptions.MeasureUnit
property allows you to specify the time unit (axis unit) for the axis scale:Millisecond
, orYear
<mxc:AxisX ShowTitle="False"> <mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> <mxc:DateTimeScaleOptions MeasureUnit="Day" /> </mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> </mxc:AxisX>
— TimeSpan data scale. Use this scale type if the X values provided by the series areTimeSpan
values. TheTimeSpanScaleOptions.MeasureUnit
property allows you to specify the time unit for the axis scale:Millisecond
, orDay
.<mxc:AxisX> <mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> <mxc:TimeSpanScaleOptions MeasureUnit="Minute" /> </mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> </mxc:AxisX>
— Qualitative data scale. Use this scale type if the X values provided by the series are qualitative values (text strings).<mxc:AxisX > <mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> <mxc:QualitativeScaleOptions GridSpacing="1" /> </mxc:AxisX.ScaleOptions> </mxc:AxisX>
Customize Scale Settings for an Y Axis
Use the AxisY.ScaleOptions
property to modify the scale settings of the Y axis. This property is of the NumericScaleOptions
<mxc:AxisY Title="Amplitude (dB SPL)">
<mxc:NumericScaleOptions LabelFormatter="{Binding MyCustomLabelFormatter}"/>
Format Axis Labels
The ScaleOptions.LabelFormatter
property allows you to specify an object that formats axis display values in a custom manner. You can implement a custom label formatter based on a function/expression using the Eremex.AvaloniaUI.Charts.FuncLabelFormatter
The following example implements a custom label formatter for DateTime
<mxc:AxisX Name="salesAxis" Title="Sales">
<mxc:DateTimeScaleOptions MeasureUnit="Month" LabelFormatter="{Binding MonthFormatter}" />
public partial class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
// ...
[ObservableProperty] FuncLabelFormatter monthFormatter = new(o => String.Format("{0:MMM} {0:yy}", o));
Multiple Axes
A typical cartesian chart has one X and one Y axis. You can add any number of additional X and Y axes when required. This is helpful when you display multiple series, and want to show its own X and/or Y axis for each series.
Do the following to link a series with an axis:
- Set the
property of the axis to a unique ID (string). - Set the series's
property to the value of theKey
property of the axis.
The following example adds an X axis and binds it to the lineSeries series.
<mxc:CartesianSeries Name="lineSeries" DataAdapter="{Binding LineSeries.DataAdapter}"
<mxc:CartesianLineSeriesView Color="{Binding LineSeries.Color}" />
<!-- ... -->
<mxc:AxisX Position="Far" Title="Expenses"
<mxc:NumericScaleOptions />
A user can zoom and scroll the entire view and individual axes with the mouse.
To scroll all series simultaneously, drag the diagram area with the mouse. Use the mouse wheel over the diagram area to zoom all series at the same time.
To scroll an individual series, a user should drag with the mouse within the corresponding axis area. To zoom a series, scroll the mouse wheel within the axis area.
The following options allow you to disable zoom and scroll operations for individual axes:
<mxc:AxisX ShowTitle="False" EnableScrolling="False" EnableZooming="False" />
chartControl1.AxesX[0].EnableZooming = false;
Axis Settings
The following list summarizes display and behavior settings of cartesian axes:
— Allows you to paint constant lines for specific values. See alsoStrips
— Allows a user to scroll an axis with a mouse drag operation.EnableZooming
— Allows a user to zoom an axis.InterlacingColor
- The color used to paint interlaced strip lines (when theShowInterlacing
option is enabled).MinorCount
— Specifies the number of minor tickmarks and grid lines.Position
— Specifies the position of the axis. Available options include:Near
(the X-axis is displayed at the bottom, and the Y-axis is displayed at the chart's left edge), andFar
(the X-axis is displayed at the top, and the Y-axis is displayed at the chart's right edge).ShowAxisLine
— Specifies the visibility of the axis line.ShowInterlacing
— Specifies whether to paint interlaced strip lines between major gridlines.ShowLabels
— Specifies the visibility of the labels corresponding to major tickmarks.ShowMajorGridlines
— Specifies the visibility of the grid lines corresponding to major tickmarks.ShowMajorTickmarks
— Specifies the visibility of the major tickmarks.ShowMinorGridlines
— Specifies the visibility of the grid lines corresponding to minor tickmarks.ShowMinorTickmarks
— Specifies the visibility of the minor tickmarks.ShowTitle
— Specifies the visibility of the axis title (theTitle
— Allows you to fill ranges between specific values. See alsoConstantLines
— The thickness of the axis line.Title
— Gets or sets the title for the axis.TitlePosition
— Specifies the position of the axis title.
A crosshair is a pair of thin vertical and horizontal lines (argument and value lines) that allow a user to see exact values on axes and charts at the current cursor position. The crosshair appears when hovering over the chart, and it follows the mouse pointer.
Use the CartesianChart.CrosshairOptions
property to customize display settings of the crosshair, or disable this feature.
Disable the Crosshair
The CrosshairOptions.ShowCrosshair
property allows you to disable the crosshair.
<mxc:CartesianChart x:Name="chartControl1" >
<mxc:CrosshairOptions ShowCrosshair="False"/>
<!-- ... -->
Disable Individual Lines and Axis Labels of the Crosshair
The CrosshairOptions.ShowArgumentLine
and CrosshairOptions.ShowValueLine
properties can be used to hide the vertical and horizontal line of the crosshair, respectively. To prevent crosshair labels from being displayed for the X and Y axes, use the CrosshairOptions.ShowArgumentLabel
and CrosshairOptions.ShowValueLabel
The following example hides the crosshair's vertical line and label for the X axis:
<mxc:CartesianChart x:Name="chartControl1" >
<mxc:CrosshairOptions ShowArgumentLabel="False" ShowValueLabel="False"/>
<!-- ... -->
Customize Chart Labels of the Crosshair
A series view's CrosshairSeriesViewBase.ShowInCrosshair
property specifies the visibility of the crosshair chart label for this series.
The following code hides the crosshair's chart label:
<mxc:CartesianSeries DataAdapter="{Binding Series.DataAdapter}">
<mxc:CartesianLineSeriesView Color="{Binding Series.Color}" Thickness="2" ShowInCrosshair="false"/>
Show an Exact or Interpolated Value in Crosshair Chart Labels
Cartesian Chart supports series that consist of sorted discrete data points. For these series, the crosshair lines do not always intersect data points, but are most often displayed between them.
You can use the CartesianSortedLineSeriesView.CrosshairMode
property to specify whether the crosshair's chart label snaps to the nearest data point, or displays an interpolated value. The following options are available:
— The crosshair chart label snaps to the nearest data point and displays its value.CrosshairSeriesMode.Interpolate
— The crosshair chart label displays an interpolated value of the point at the intersection of the vertical crosshair line with the chart.
The following code shows how to customize the CrosshairMode
<mxc:CartesianSeries DataAdapter="{Binding Series.DataAdapter}">
<mxc:CartesianLineSeriesView Color="{Binding Series.Color}" Thickness="2" CrosshairMode="Interpolate"/>
Customize Crosshair Chart Labels for Multiple Series
When the Cartesian Chart contains multiple series, the crosshair displays a chart label for each series:
Use the CrosshairOptions.SeriesLabelMode
property to specify display mode of chart labels for multiple series. The following options are available:
— A crosshair chart label is displayed for each series.CrosshairSeriesLabelMode.ForNearestSeries
— A crosshair chart label is displayed for the nearest series.CrosshairSeriesLabelMode.OneForAllSeries
— The crosshair displays one chart label that combines information on values of all series.
Below is an example that enables one crosshair chart label in the case of multiple series.
<mxc:CrosshairOptions SeriesLabelMode="OneForAllSeries"/>
Convert Between Diagram Coordinates and Screen Coordinates
Sometimes you may need to translate from chart coordinates to screen coordinates, and vice versa. The following methods allow you to accomplish this task:
— Converts coordinates of a chart point to screen coordinates. The chart point is addressed by the X and Y axes, and the values along these axes.CartesianChart.ScreenPointToDiagramPoint
— Converts screen coordinates to the coordinates of a point within the chart control. The object returned by the method allows you to obtain the chart coordinates, or determine if the screen coordinates are within the control's viewport.